Browse Category by Friday Faves
Friday Faves

Friday Faves #2

Happy Friday! We had some more wintry weather here this week and by wintry I mean snow. And the forecast for this weekend is beyond frigid temperatures. We’re talking zero degrees. That’s right, a big, fat zero. I’m going to be looking for some serious warmth. My big plan for the weekend is to continue to read through my manuscript for more typos. 🙂 And in between chapters I’m sure I’ll spend some time checking out a few blogs. Since I’ll be desperately trying to keep warm, I’m guessing that you’re probably somewhere in the country that is all taking the polar plunge. But if you’re like my critique partner who lives in sunny and warm California…well, I shouldn’t continue that thought. 🙂 However, if you are living in a part of the country that is enjoying warm weather you’ll probably still enjoy visiting the blogs below too. They are giving me a warm and fuzzy feeling that makes me just want to sink into a deep cushioned chair and spend hours just daydreaming. Ah, the feeling of home.



Lately I’ve been obsessed with re-doing our entry space (we live in a Cape Cod so we don’t have an entry hall) and I’m loving the entry area Erin from Meadow Lake Road created.

For a few moments of total escape from the arctic cold check out the 13 Unique DIY Raised Garden Beds post over at Home Stories A to Z. Erin has curated a great post with fun and creative ideas for vegetable, herb and flower gardening. I’m loving the wine box raised garden project.

Sarah from Thrifty Decor Chick has created a guest room that is simply beautiful. But I think she may have a tough time getting her guests to leave. Go on over and take a look for yourself.

What are your plans for the weekend? Venturing out or staying in?

Stay warm!

Friday Faves

Friday Faves #1

Happy Friday! Today it’ a wintry, snowy day perfect for curling up with a hot beverage, a good book and maybe, some web browsing. I {heart} blogs and I thought I’d share some blog love today.


Over at Nest For Less, Erin shared a Girl Cottage Bedroom Makeover. I admit it, I’m jealous of the little girl who sleeps in that room. It’s beautiful. I wish my childhood bedroom looked like that. Go on over and take a look.

Over at Pastels & Macarons, Maria shared a DIY project that definitely has a spring feel to it. Check out her post, Moss Covered Number, to learn how to a unique decoration that could have so many uses.

Chocolate and peanut butter. Two ingredients that are simply dreamy when combined together. So, how about a recipe for a smoothie with chocolate and peanut butter? Yeah, I know, it sounds sinfully delicious. To get the recipe for the Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Smoothie you’ll wat to visit Southern Krazed. Enjoy!

My plans for today is to do some reading and of course, some writing while it snows (we’re getting pretty close to the 6 inches that was predicted and it does look like a greeting card outside right now). What are you up to today?