Kitchen Snapshots, Writer In The Kitchen

Writer In The Kitchen: Kitchen Snapshots 1/25/16

There was a blizzard this weekend but luckily in my neck of the woods we got only five to six inches. And as with every snow storm I spent some time in the kitchen. Here’s a few photos of how I spent my weekend.

I made some molasses braised onions for steaks. Yum!

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And I baked some blueberry muffins.

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And we had a visitor throughout the whole storm. I love this turkey.

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Got the pups out once we cleared the snow.


Currently Reading

Currently Reading…

Due or Die is the second book in the A Library’s Lovers Mystery series by Jenn McKinlay. I ordered this book a couple of weeks ago while shopping on Amazon and I was in the mood for a cozy set in winter and having a puppy on the cover cinched the purchase for me. Now more than a hundred pages into the book, I’m loving it. I’ve ordered the first book in the series and it’s at the top of my TBR stack.



Wrapping up the holiday weekend.

We plan for Christmas all month long and then it’s over in a blink of an eye and then there’s the aftermath to deal with. Leftovers, shredded wrapping paper and boxes that need to be broken down. Oh, the joy of the holidays.

Billy was just pooped out after playing with his new toys.


While Billy and Susie were enjoying there new toys, I admired my gift from Santa. Isn’t it beautiful? I can’t wait to cook in it.


With the holidays done it was time to get back to work on my revisions. About 30 pages left to go and the last chapter to write. Will I finish before the New Year?


Happy Sunday!

Shih-Tzu Saturday

Shih-Tzu Saturday #6

I hope everyone had a merry, merry Christmas yesterday.

Can’t blame a girl for looking for more gifts. Caught Susie checking out the Christmas tree after all of the gifts were opened.
