Coffee & Chat

Coffee & Chat # 4 – What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Happy Monday!

Here we are starting a new week and in a few days it will be December. Wow! 2016 flew right by. As we enter the last month of the year I’ve been hearing the question “where has the year gone” a lot and the response is typically “no idea”. It’s a shame that so many people feel that the year has passed by in a blur and that each year it gets faster and faster. Maybe that’s because of our lifestyle today. Everything is immediate, life moves at a warp speed and we’re always connected. I can see how life passes by in a blur. But I don’t think that’s the way we should live our lives. And that leads me into the question of the day – what do you like to do when you’re not writing. I have a full cup of coffee so lets start chatting.


I love to exercise. Yes, you read correctly. I enjoy a good workout. It clears my mind, sometimes helps me breakthrough a story block and keeps me healthy. Talk about a win-win. As I type this I’m very, very sore from a Cardio Leg Workout by Cathe Friedrich. Ouch would be an understatement and I’m cursing the flight of stairs in our house today. One of the reasons why working out is so important is because I love to cook and bake. When I’m not in my office writing you can usually find me in my kitchen where I can get lost in a recipe.I sometimes will work out a story problem when I’m cooking dinner and that’s why there’s a pad and paper always out on the counter for quick notes.

I enjoy reading and I’m never not in the middle of a book with a stack to-be-read books waiting. I got hooked early on with reading and the library was my second home. I read many genres but mysteries are my favorite. I read both print and e-books.  I’m currently reading a Jenn McKinlay Library Lover’s mystery and my newest purchase is If You Only Knew by Kristan Higgins.

I also enjoy counted cross-stitch and I’m currently working on a sampler and I’ve gotten back into knitting and my current pattern is very frustrating, though I know I will prevail and be wearing that hat someday. 🙂

I love hanging with my pups. Whether it’s getting down on the floor to play tug of war or going on walks, the three of us always have a good time.

I think all the things I do when I’m not writing help me when I am writing. These activities allow me to clear my mind, allow my subconscious to work and refill my creative well so that when I return to my computer and work-in-progress document I have something to write.

I’m going to finish my coffee now and if there is anything you’d like to know about how I spend my non-writing time please feel free to ask or if you’d like to share what you do in your free time please do!  If you don’t have a question, don’t be shy – say “hi” in the comments section!



Black Friday and the Writer

Happy Black Friday! What are your plans for the day? Shopping, shopping and some more shopping with a side of Thanksgiving day leftovers? I’m guessing a lot of Americans are spending today exactly that way. Me? I won’t be venturing out to the malls. I’m staying closer to home and to my laptop and the leftovers. This is because I have a word count goal for every day of this great four day weekend.

Welcome to a writer’s Black Friday.

First things first. Breakfast and coffee. Two cups of coffee to start my day along with a couple of scrambled eggs and toast while I watch the morning news. There was an interesting story on this morning about a recovered missing woman. Hmmm…Writers are always working. 🙂


Next up after getting myself ready for the day is grocery shopping. Exciting, right? But writers need to eat and their families need to eat. It’s also a great place to people watch. Writers do that all the time. Once I’m back home I’ll unpack the groceries and do some cleaning. I tell you, I’m living the dream. All kidding aside, I love to cook and bake so I’m happy to spend an hour at the store.  I think this weekend I’ll bake some pound cakes and make a pan of manicotti along with a big pot of beef stew.


A big chunk of my day will be spent at my laptop working on my current manuscript, which is book two is my mystery series. I’m finding writing a series a little challenging with my recurring characters. It’s taking me longer than I expected to get back into their heads. But the fun part has been the new scenes that have popped up that weren’t in my outline. There’s one scene with a hoarder that the guys on American Pickers would love, that was a blast to write. That’s the magical part of writing, when you’re surprised as the writer.

DVD,Organizer,SquashSoup 017

When my writing session is finished and I’ve reached my word count I’ll out head to a great spot in town for a walk with Susie. There is a trail along with other paths that wind around the old medical facility. Billy will stay home because I’m planning on a long walk for Susie (she can go for miles) and it’s too much for the little guy since his vision is so poor. He’ll go out for a walk around our street later.



At the end of the day we’ll dive into those leftovers, my favorite is the stuffing, and curl up to watch a holiday movie on the Hallmark channel. I hope you have a great Friday and if you’ve ventured out to shop please share your best score. If you decided to hang around the house instead, what did you do? Did you start your Christmas decorating? Or, did you indulge in a Christmas movie marathon?

Fit Writer, Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!

This week has been all about getting back on the fitness wagon. I got hit with a cold or something that knocked me down for a few days and then took several days to fully recover. Of course during those days I didn’t workout. Ugh. I felt like such a slug. But now, I’m back in my sneakers.


Coming back after several days of not working out I have to tamp down the urge to hit it hard since I’m dying to workout. Yes, I’m one of those who enjoys exercising. It’s hard to go days without working out for me, just like it’s hard to go days without writing. Exercising clears my mind, which is very good for a writer. I’m always surprised when I talk to another writer and they tell me that they don’t exercise. Ever! I can’t imagine that. But, to each their own. Right?

This week is all about easing back into my workouts so I’ll be taking it easy with the weights and intensity on the treadmill. I’ll also be getting back on track with my eating. Poor choices are made when you barely have to energy to get out of bed so I need to re-group on my meal planning this week. 🙂 What’s your fitness plans for this week? Trying a new workout? I am actually. I’m adding a short session on our rowing machine after each treadmill workout. I’m really excited about that. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Don’t be shy. Say “hi” in the comment section if you have the time. And if you feel like it, tell me what your favorite workout is. Or, what your least favorite workout is.



Coffee & Chat

Coffee & Chat #3 – Do you listen to music when you write?

Happy Monday!

With my manuscript back with my agent and the submission process in progress I’ve dove back into the second book of my series. I did hit a wall last week because I was sick so there wasn’t much writing done. However, I did manage to write about 6,000 words. So I think I did pretty good considering all I wanted to do was sleep. Today’s question is do I listen to music when I write.  I have a full cup of coffee, so lets start chatting.


The answer is a simple “no”. I cannot listen to music and write. Music distracts me so I never have it on when I’m writing or doing any other work. I know some of my co-workers at my day job listen to music but I can’t do it. There’s something about the lyrics, the rhythm, I don’t know. And I don’t have a play list for my manuscripts. I really don’t have the time to pick out songs that represent the story or the characters. I do sometimes use a song as inspiration for a story idea or character or even a scene.

I do usually have a television on in the background turned to a cable news program. Hearing the reporter’s voices in the background doesn’t distract me. I guess spending so many years working at the day job I’ve gotten used to background chatter and having the television on provides tat for me at home. There are some mornings when I get up very early and I go into my study to sit and write for a few minutes and there’s no noise at all. I can’t say that my final product is any better, I don’t know. It’s just a different experience.

I did receive a pair of Bose noise cancelling headphones this year for my birthday and I used them when there was a lot of noise outside when neighbors were mowing their lawns or when I needed to write and my husband was home watching television. I love the headphones. Every writer should have a pair.

Each writer has her own routine that works for them. It’s good to try something different, if another writer does XYZ and it sounds like it may work then give it a go. What’s the worse that can happen? The one thing writers must always do is to be true to themselves and their creative process.

I’m going to finish my coffee now and if there is anything else you’d like to know about how I name or create my characters please ask. If you don’t have a question, don’t be shy – say “hi” in the comments section!