Kitchen Snapshots, Writer In The Kitchen, Writing Updates

Writer In The Kitchen: Kitchen Snapshots 1/19/2018

Happy Friday! I’ve had an uber-productive week. The outline for book 3 of the Food Blogger mystery series was finished and set aside until next week to polish it up (right now it’s a heaping 26 pages of messiness but it tells the story), I began the outline for book 2 of the Resale Boutique mystery series (I now know who the killer is and who the suspects are, so it’s a start) and I’ve wrapped up a few promotion tasks for the release of The Uninvited Corpse. I also debuted as a monthly contributor to the awesome group blog, Writers Who Kill. Didn’t see the post? Click here and you’ll be taken right to it. I wrote about my journey from food blogger to author and later in the month I’ll expand on that post here with some more details (no word count limit here).

Since I got all caught up on my work, I decided to spend some time in the kitchen working on a cookie recipe for The Hidden Corpse (out April 2019).Here’s a pic of the finished product (sorry, no details, I know, not fair but I have to save a few things for the release). My house did smell heavenly from the lemony fragrance of these adorable and utterly delicious cookies. Turns out they’re like potato chips – you just can’t have one and that’s why I packed up containers quickly and delivered them to my neighbors.

Earlier in the week I made a big pot of Butternut Squash soup and I have been enjoying it since for lunch or dinner, I even froze a couple of containers. Since I’m the only one here to loves this soup, I cut the recipe in half and if you’d like to try the soup you’ll find the recipe here.

Today I’m diving into the chapters of Murder Wears a Little Black Dress that I just got back from my critique partner. In just a few weeks I’ll be turning the manuscript into my editor. It’s kinda sad, I love this book and I’m going to miss working on it. Oh, well, there’s always the next adventure for Kelly, right?

Have a great Friday!



Writer Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! It’s a snowy day here in Connecticut and that means some time this afternoon I’ll be outside spending some quality time with my snowblower, ah…the joys of working from home. Until I have to venture out, I’m staying put inside with my coffee. When I first came into my study this morning after breakfast I reviewed my to-do list for the day which I have to say isn’t bad. I made the decision last week to switch out my planner after making the decision to switch out my planner. Can someone say indecisive?

It’s a very, very long story but I’m back to using my Erin Condren planner and life is so much better now because of it. I’ve learned to not schedule my day as if I had 48 hours. Yeah, I was over-scheduling myself for weeks and that’s not a good thing for me. What’s on tap for today is writing a few blog posts, completing a form for my upcoming blog tour in March and continuing with an online class I purchased over the weekend. I’ve finished the outline for book 3 in the Food Blogger Mystery series and I’m going to let it set for a couple of days before diving back in and polishing it up. The 26 page document will go to my editor and then I’ll begin writing the book (between you and me, I’ll probably start writing the book sometime next week).

I also scheduled some time to begin brainstorming the 2nd book in the Resale Boutique Mystery series. Book 1, Murder Wears a Little Black Dress, is still with my critique partner. The final edits are about half done with that book so as soon as I get the last chapters back from Ellie, I’ll dive into those pages and finish prepping the manuscript for me editor.

Being in this phase of writing, which is all about the creation of the plot is kind of odd. It’s hard to quanitify the work I’m doing, somedays I plot out more of the story than others but I’ve learned now after 3 books that this is necessary time spent and not to beat myself up if I end my workday early because in the coming months of actually writing the book I’ll be putting in longer days. Besides, this is a very creative period of the writing process and I know it sounds corny, but the creativity needs to be nurtured and protected.

Well, the snow is still falling outside so I better get going on my day so I’ll have the time later clear the snow.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!





January Reads

We’ve had a whole lot of weather here in Connecticut – frigid cold, snow, rain and record warmth. We’ve gone from below zero temps right up to 50 degrees that included two days of rain and fog and ice. That old saying about New England weather, “wait an hour” has never been more true.

I rarely need an excuse to curl up with a good book but I think this month I have a few good reasons. 🙂 Making time to read for pleasure has been a top priority since the new year. Looking back at December I didn’t get much reading done between finishing the second draft of Murder Wears a Little Black Dress and doing a final read of The Hidden Corpse, both had a deadline of December 31st (note for future self – don’t ever do that again) and all the Christmas stuff that needed to be done. Yeah, I think there was a little burnout by January 1st.

In hopes of not repeating last month, I’ve carved out time in the evening to read a book rather than check my iPad for Facebook and Instagram updates or see if I’ve gotten a new email. Step away from the electronic devices, Deb. So far, it’s been going well and I’m sleeping better too! Win-win, I think. Okay, so what’s on my reading list this month? I felt like more supense rather than cozy or romance. Luckily, I had a few books on my shelves that fit the bill.


The Woman In Cabin Ten by Ruth Ware

I haven’t read her first book, In a Dark, Dark Wood, butit’s on my to-buy list. I read a sample on The Woman in Cabin Ten on my iBooks app and knew I had to buy the book and while browsing in a local bookshop there it was! The opening of the book immediately drew me in and I’m curious to see how the story unfolds as Lo Blacklock embarks on an assignment of a lifetime that turns out to be a nightmare.

Even If It Kills Her by Kate White

The Baily Weggins series is one of my favorite series and I was so excited when I learned Kate White was writing another one after writing a few stand-alone titles. I devoured the book in a matter of days and loved the twist at the end. I’ve read there’s another Bailey Weggins book is coming soon. Can’t wait!

Where All The Dead Lie by J.T. Ellison

The book description sounded so interesting for this book that I just had to buy it. A mystery set in a castle in the Scottish Highlands. Done! Had to have the book and I’m so looking forward to diving into it.

There you have it, my choices for this month. What are you reading this month?


Life, Writing

Welcome 2018!

Happy New Year! 2018 is finally here! Can you tell I’m excited?

Too be honest, I didn’t ring in the new year instead I woke to it bright and early this morning. Considering what 2018 is bringing me, getting a good night’s sleep seemed to be the responsible and smart thing to do. It’s been a busy time here coming off of the holidays and preparing for 2018. I’ve had to take a good, hard look at my organization process I’ve been using because 2018 is going to be a year full of new demands on my time and energy. What has worked well for me in the past isn’t going to cut it this year because I’m no longer just writing.

No, it seems once you’re published writing competes with dozens of other tasks and it’s so easy to not write. While everything else that needs to be done is important, writing is the most important thing because writing is the reason why I have to do all these other things. I think the word of the year will be FOCUS.

I will be promoting the release of The Uninvited Corpse with a blog tour and some in-person events while writing the third book in the Food Blogger Mystery series. Come the middle of the year I’ll be promoting the release of Murder Wears a Little Black Dress, A Resale Boutique mystery, and writing the second book in that series. In addition to the writing and promoting for both releases this year I’ll be joining the group blog, Writers Who Kill where I’ll be writing a post a month. Early in 2017 I joined with a fabulous group of 2018 debut authors and together we work to support each other through social media. I’ve also just joined the International Thriller Writers Debut Author Program and I’m looking forward to all the program has to offer this author.

There’s a lot on my plate this years and it can feel overwhelming (I just need to remember to breathe) but the truth is I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else. Besides, what’s a little hyperventilation? 🙂

I’m confident (or blissfully ignorant) that I can tackle whatever 2018 throws at mebecause of my revamped organization/time-management processes. I’ve taken what has worked for me in the past and added a few new tools that I think should meet the new demands on my time. I’ll be sharing all the details on those upgrades to my organization process with you in my next post and maybe there’s something that can help you and maybe you have a tip or two you could share with me.

I hope you have a great New Year’s day!