Friday Reads

Friday Reads

Happy Friday! The weekend is just a few hours away and here in Connecticut we’re going to get another slap of humidity and rain for an extended duration, like all the way to next Thursday at last check. That’s way too long for oppressive humidity. Way too long. So my big plans for the weekend includes air conditioning and reading.

The premise of this book captured my imagination and interest. It’s been a long time since I’ve read a book that wasn’t a mystery or suspense. So immersing myself in this book has been a welcomed break from my usual reading. And this is the first book I’ve read that takes place in two eras – 1949 and present day.

I’m cheering for Charlotte, she’s standing up against her parents because she wants to do something they oppose. She’s determined to make a career for herself in advertising when all she really can expect to be is a typist, maybe a secretary if she gets lucky. Olivia is trying to save her job at the upstart advertising agency she joined after they lost an major account.

Their lives will intersect and I’m almost at that point in the book. Maybe instead of bemoaning the impending weather I should be grateful for the opportunity to stay inside curled up with this book.

What are you reading this weekend?


Coffee & Chat, Pets, Writing Updates

Coffee & Chat #19

Happy Wednesday! We just got through a few days of horrible high humidity. Not pleasant at all but we woke up this morning to much lower humidity and it’s absolutely beautiful. So sipping my cup of hot coffee while chatting with you right now is very pleasurable.

Thanks to my writing partner, Susie, I kept on track with the writing of the first draft of SILENCED IN SEQUINS. I began writing the manuscript on June 11th and finished on July 15th. During that period I had 27 writing days and finished with a draft of 61,090 words. WooHoo!!! That’s something I can definitely work with when I dive in for the second draft.

As I was coming the end of the manuscript I decided to take a week off from writing. During this week I’m not working to meet a daily word count goal or working on an editing deadline. Gotta admit, it’s nice not having a looming deadline. It’s time to tackle some projects around the house, enjoy some long walks early in the morning (see above, I love that path) and brainstorm a new project. Next week I’ll be back to work on the third draft of book 3 in the Food Blogger series. I’ve gotten the manuscript back from my critique partner and it’s time to start preparing the manuscript for submission this fall.

Getting out has been so much enjoyable since getting Billy his stroller. He does so well in it and seems to really like it. It gets all the benefits of being outside without any of the work. LOL. That’s okay. In the photo he looks so shaggy, it was just a week before his grooming appointment. I sense Susie is enjoying the walks more too because she can keep her regular pace of speedwalking and not be slowed down because of Billy. It looks like a win-win for all of us.

Last week I managed to squeeze in a visit to my friend Carolyn’s house to visit her dog’s puppies! Here’s Penny with her three week old puppies. They are so freakin’ cute. Holding them was so sweet. They were just starting to teeth so my hand was their chew toy. I didn’t care. They wiggled and squeaked. I just wanted to play with the puppies all day. All day!

I found some time to test a scone recipe. It’s my basic recipe with a little change. Very yummy. I have to bake them them one more time and then I’ll share the recipe. I promise.

If you haven’t had the chance to read THE UNINVITED CORPSE it’s available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble in print, e-book and audio book format. Because of my amazing readers I was able to hit 50 reviews on Amazon. Thank you!

I’m in need of a refill so I’m going to sign-off and get more coffee. Thanks for visiting with me today. I’ve shared my plans for the week with you and I’d love to know what you’re up. Drop a comment and let me know.

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Friday Reads

Friday Reads

Happy Friday! The weekend is just a few hours away and I’ll be easing into the weekend reading the final chapters of Pawprints & Predicaments. Yes, I’m reading a book set in the deep cold of winter out on my lounge chair in near ninety degree weather. And, let me tell you, I’m loving every moment of it. From it’s frigid lake dive to the snow covered ski trail to the adorably huge St. Bernard. I’m all in and looking for my mug of hot cocoa.

This this the third installment in the Lucky Paws Petsitting mystery series and made even more fun by the addition of big, sweet Bernie. He’s the St. Bernard who is a mystery into himself.

I adore cozies with animals in them and of course in my series I have to add pets. Life is far too quiet and boring without a pet or two. Don’t you think?

What’s your Friday Read? Do you like pets featured in the books you read? Are you a seasonal reader? Only summer themed books in the summer, Christmas in July (it’s a nice way to feel cool and want to bake cookies), or doesn’t it matter?

Thanks for stopping by today!


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Coffee & Chat, Life, Pets, The Uninvited Corpse

Coffee & Chat #18

The heat is on here in Connecticut. Though, it’s significantly more comfortable than last week. That heat wave was brutal. But when temps hover in the upper 80s with humidity, I’m definitely not a happy camper. Luckily I’m hunkered down at my computer working with coffee and water – need to stay balanced. 🙂

I have ventured out for walks with the pups, usually early in the morning or evening because of the heat. A few times I’ve taken Susie out to the pen we have set up for the pups because the pavement was just too hot. Though, Susie prefers to walk. Walking these days have been challenging because of Billy’s blindness. He’s become more skiddish, more uncertain and seemed stressed when I took him out. While he may be content staying inside, where he feels safer, I think it’s important he gets out for some fresh air, feel the sun and summer breezes on his little body. And I found a solution. A stroller.

He absolutely loves it. He settles right into the stroller and off the three of us go. Susie has had a chance to ride it in but since she’s capable of walking, walk she does. Though, I saw how easily she could get used to riding in the stroller. I think it’s their breed that has resulted in both of them pretty much being easy going about things.

The stroller even has cup holders (yay!) and a little cargo basket beneath the seat. It’s perfect. And I’m so happy we all can walk together again.

Staying on the topic of animals, our turkeys are back! I’ve been seeing three turkeys by our bird feeder over the past few weeks. I think they’re cool and it’s really funny seeing them next to the itty-bitty birds that also visit the feeder. I wonder what those little birds think when they see the BIG turkeys. Also at the feeder I’ve spied mama raccoon with her five babies. Yeah, they’ve been at the feeder and the trash container. Busy, busy. I’ve also seen our wild rabbit make an appearance a few times, more than usual. She was across the stream the other morning, hopping about then I lost sight of her. Depending on the day and the activity outside, having this view from my study can be distraction. 🙂

Luckily, I haven’t had too many distractions. I’m coming close to the end of the first draft of book 2 in the Resale Boutique mystery series. WooHoo!!! I expect to be finished by Friday and then I’ll indulge in a week of no writing. One whole week and I’m looking forward to it. I have a book I want to finish reading and a new one to start. When my little vacay is over, I’ll begin working on the third draft of book 3 in the Food Blogger mystery series. Speaking of which, book 1, THE UNINVITED CORPSE, is available in audio format if that’s how you prefer to read your books. I absolutely love the cover of the CD set the publisher created.

Wednesday’s question: Do you listen to audio books? If so, when do you listen to them? Commuting, exercising, cleaning, etc?

I’m going to wrap up this post. It’s been great catching up with you!

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Coffee & Chat, News & Events

Coffee & Chat #17

Today we’re celebrating the 4th of July here in the states and it’s a hot one today. Actually, it’s been a hot one all week and we still have more days left for this heatwave to bake us. I’m trying to keep this in perspective but I’m not gonna lie, it’s hard. And while it would probably be a good idea to sip an iced coffee, I don’t like iced coffee so I’ll grab my mug of freshly brewed coffee and start today’s chat with you. I have something to share! And it’s below!

THE HIDDEN CORPSE (book 2 in the Food Blogger mystery series) has a cover and I’m thrilled with it. If you subscribe to my newsletter you’ve already seen the cover (if not, check your inbox). My publisher, Kensington, did a fabulous job creating the cover and I just adore Bigelow on the cover. Love him to pieces.

Here’s the blurb from the back cover:

Former reality TV baking show contestant and recent divorcée Hope Early is trying to find her recipe for success as a food blogger—but murder keeps getting in the mix . . .

When Hope’s elderly neighbor perishes in a home fire, she can’t help but feel somewhat responsible. Only the day before, Peggy Olson had called her over, having burned a pot on the stove while she was sleeping and filling the house with smoke. In fact, she couldn’t even remember cooking. Clearly, it was dangerous for the woman to live alone.

But it turns out she wasn’t alone. When a second body is discovered in the basement of the burned house, suddenly what appeared to be a tragic accident is beginning to look like premeditated murder. As rumors spread like wildfire, Hope is determined to sort out the facts and smoke out a killer, but she might be jumping from the frying pan straight into the fire . . .

Includes Recipes from Hope’s Kitchen!

The book will be released on March 26, 2019 but is available for pre-order from your favorite book retailer (links are on the book page for The Food Blogger series if you’d like to place your order now.)

Keeping with writing updates, I’ve hit the 40,000 word mark in my first draft of SILENCED IN SEQUINS. I’ve mentioned before I work from a detailed outline but it’s flexible which came in handy a couple of days ago. I felt there needed to be an extra scene to heighten the danger Kelly has put herself in by nosing around the murder and to also let her have some reflection on her granny’s recent passing. The scene came together and I wrote it and so far it’s my favorite scene in the book.

Sometimes it seems like it’s all work and no play but I did manage to get out and work in the garden. I admit, it’s not my most favorite thing to do (bugs, poison ivy, excessive sunblock) but after awhile I do find myself enjoying the gardening tasks. And I definitely find myself enjoying the flowers that bloom.

I caught a glimpse of our raccoon and her FIVE babies the other morning. They were heading for their little home after a night of foraging. The babies were adorable. I also caught a glimpse of our wild rabbit. She was out for quite a while munching on leaves. I love all of the wildlife that I get to see here on our quiet little road.

I’m going to wrap up this post. It’s been great catching up with you and I hope you’ll take a moment and let me know  what you’re doing this week? Any vacay plans? What are you reading? I’m always looking for recommendations to add to my TBR.

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