Notes from Deb

On My Desk

There’s a lot on my desk right now but what’s not on my desk are the line edits for Food Blogger book #3 and that’s because they’re done! WooHoo! I’m so excited (can you tell?) that I’ve gone thorugh the pages by editor sent back (mostly missing words and commas, freakin’ commas) and also his notes in the email he sent have been addressed. So happy. Really, really happy. Now I can focus on other writing stuff. Like getting my ducks in a row for the January release of MURDER WEARS A LITTLE BLACK DRESS, finalize the recipes going into Food Blogger #3, tidy up SILENCED IN SEQUINS for my critique partner, brainstorm some new ideas and begin work on my December newsletter. Phew.

But before any of that happens, there were some errands I needed to run. One stop was CVS to pick up some Christmas cards and Billy’s prescription. While I was there I picked up a few other things to and right now they’re on my desk waiting for me to take a break.

I got the current issue of Marie Claire. I love, love, love magazines. I think I got hookd on them when I was a kid and my mom and me would stop at the corner newsstand and she’d buy the tabloid magazines like Rona Barrett’s Hollywood. And, oh, Tiger Beat for me. Yeah, I definitely got hooked on magazines. Eventually my interest drifted from teen hearthrobs to fashion magazines and even to this day I’m all about the fashion magazine. Especially all the September issues. Which by the way, Kelly in MURDER WEARS A LITTLE BLACK DRESS, is obsessed with.

While I waited for Billy’s prescription I browsed the cosmetics section. Okay, full disclosure, I knew how that “browsing” was going to turn out. A little known fact about me is that I’m a beauty junkie. I love cosmetics and skincare. I’ve been obsessed about skincare since I was a teenager. When I had the typical teenage breakouts, I was fortunate enough to be able to go an cosmetologist. Her name was Simone France and she taught me the importance of having a good skincare routine. The monthly facials did wonders for my breakouts and instilled the value of taking care of my skin. Then when I was finishing up at fashion school, I got a job in the cosmetic buying office at Macy’s. Talk about heaven! That’s probably the only job I ever truly missed.

So when I’m let loose in a cosmetics department, whether it’s at a local drugstore or large department store or good Lord, a webite, I’m bound to leave with something. And I did!

I picked up a highlighter palette from L’Oreal, True Match Lumi Glow. I haven’t tried this before so I’m looking forward to testing it.  There were a few other True Match products I was interested in but I opted to show restraint. But, I did need some new eyeshadows I was drawn to Wet n Wild’s Walking on Eggshells. For less than five dollars and a color palette is definitely me, I added it to my cart.

But before I can indulge in reading my new magazine, there are some admin tasks to take care of. And then there’s Billy. He’s barking and that means he’s lost again in the house. I better go get the little guy and settle him back on his bed.

I’ve shared a little glimpse of what’s on my desk. What’s on yours?

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Halloween – Cozy Author Style

I’ve always loved Halloween. I love the ghost stories and now I love binging on all those haunted shows. So much fun! I love the way the air feels on Halloween night. There’s anticipation of the unexpected, after all, you never know who’ll show up at your door. And when you’re a mystery writer, your imagination can run wild with that scenario. 🙂

This Halloween I’ll be celebrating the spooktacular day with my fellow Cozy Mystery Crew authors. Not a member? Don’t know what Cozy Mystery Crew is or where it is? Let me give you the 411. CMC is a Facebook group I belong to. We’re 13 mystery authors who’ve come together to form one big reader group. During the week one of us hosts and hangs out with you. We also have special events, like our Halloween event. Over the summer we had a reading program and we gave away prizes and had a big party at the end of the summer. We have a lot of fun things planned for the coming months but the most fun part for us is connecting with our readers. So if you’re not a member it’s not too late to join and spend Halloween with us. In fact, between now and then you’ll have the opportunity to hang out with some great authors.

Here’s a sneak preview at what will be happening on Halloween.

To join the Cozy Mystery Crew click here and you’ll be directed to Facebook. Be sure to answer the questions so you’ll be added to the group!

Question of the day – what do you love about Halloween?


Today I Am…

Today I Am…

Looking forward to moving my clothes back into my closet after an ugly incident with the rods. Luckily none of the clothing was hurt.

Recovering from a lower-body workout at GetHealthyUTV. Ouch.

Reading the Fall 2018 issue of D’Fyne magazine.

Decluttering the family room. Where does all this stuff come from?

Feeling happy that two friends have become engaged. Wishing Donna & Scott all the best!

Wat about you? What are you doing today?


Fall Baking Pantry Basics

Last week while driving home along the hilly, curvy road I saw something that made me smile. I’m talking about a big, big smile. I spotted leaves turning!!! First, I’m thrilled to see another sign fall is on its way. Second, I’m excited that this year thanks to all the rain we’ll have a beautiful, colorful fall. I’m ready for sweaters, boots, and socks. And I’m ready to bake.

Chilly autumn weather is not that far away and it makes me want to get all cozy and bake. The last thing I want to do is to have to dash out to the grocery store because I’m missing one ingredient for the recipe I want to bake. I just want to tie on my apron and get baking.

Now is a great time to review my baking pantry and make sure I have everything on hand so when I make a spur-of-the-moment decision to whip something up I have everything I need on hand. This is where Hope Early, my fictional character and food blogger in THE UNINVITED CORPSE, are very much alike. I know she’d approve of my list.

Twenty Must-Haves For My Fall Baking Pantry

  1. Flours: Unbleached All-purpose flour, Whole-Wheat flour, Cake flour, Oat flour, Gluten-free flour
  2. Baking Powder
  3. Baking Soda
  4. Sugars: White granulated sugar, powered sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar
  5. Unsweetened cocoa powder
  6. Evaporated Milk & Sweet Condensed Milk
  7. Pure Vanilla extract
  8. Dried fruit: Raisins, cherries, apricots, dates
  9. Spices: cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice, cardamom, cloves, vanilla bean
  10. Maple syrup
  11. Honey
  12. Molasaaes
  13. Corn syrup
  14. Cornstarch
  15. Unflavored gelatin
  16. Nuts: almonds, pecans, walnuts
  17. Baking chocolate: unsweetened, bittersweet, milk chocolate, white chocolate
  18. Unflavored gelatin
  19. Nuts: almonds, pecans, walnuts
  20. Canned pumpkin (many, many cans)

Those are the must-haves in my kitchen for my fall baking. I know with these staples I can whip up something yummy on the spur of the moment. What are some of your must-haves in your kitchen?




Blueberry White Chocolate Scones

Do you feel like summer is slipping away? Are you looking for a way to prolong it just a wee bit more? I’m not, but I know people like summer. And I think this variation to my White Chocolate Scones has a summery vibe to it – blueberries. When it was peak blueberry season, I had a bunch of blueberries for muffins and pancakes and cereal but I still ended up with leftover blueberries and I also had a yen for scones so I thought – substitute the raisins for blueberries. What’s the worse that could happen? Well, the answer to that question is me eating too many scones, that’s what.

When to scones came out of the oven I had a pretty good idea I made the right decision in tossing the blueberries into the batter. When they cooled just a bit and I took a bite – the brightness of the blueberries mingling with the melty-yumminess of the white chocolate chips – I knew I made the right decision. Heaven. And from my friends who I gifted some scones I’d heard the same feedback. These scones will be on a staple on baking list .

The scones come together quickly and easily, just be careful when combining the blueberries to the batter. This little extra love when mixing is well worth it when it comes time to eat one. 🙂

Ready for the recipe? I’ve made these scones a few times over the summer and I found that anywhere from 3/4 cup of blueberries to 1 cup of blueberries works, the more the better. 🙂