What Would Kelly Wear?
New Year’s Eve is tomorrow and I can’t help but wonder what Kelly Quinn would wear to ring in the new year. I have a few options, many I’m confident she’d love, pinned on my Pinterest board, Little Black Dresses. I’m not going to lie, I love the research for this series.
Check out my Pinterest board and here’s a snippet from MURDER WEARS A LITTLE BLACK DRESS between Kelly and her friend, Julie about the recent turn of events at the shop. Julie is trying to help Kelly see the bright side. Not sure if that’s working out.
Kelly may be getting all dressed up for New Year’s Eve but I’ll be in my pajamas. Happy New Year!
Chocolate-Walnut Biscotti
I’m in the final stages of my Christmas cookie baking. Just a few more to bake and then I can package up the cookie tins and make my deliveries. 🙂 This past weekend the Cozy Mystery Crew held it’s first Virtual Cookie Exchange and I shared a recipe and also posted a few photos of my baking in progress and I had a request for this recipe so here it is.
I love biscotti. And there’s nothing like homemade biscotti. Nope. This cookie I dip into a pool of bittersweet chocolate and then when it’s hardened, I dip it into my coffee or tea and it’s heaven!!!
If you decide to make this recipe, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
24 Days of Christmas cookies days 1-7
Happy Fri-yay!!!
Today I’m going to do a quick round-up of the cookies I’ve shared on my Facebook author page. During my Coffee & Chat post earlier this week I mentioned my 24 Days of Christmas Cookies. From the first of the month right up to the twenty-fourth I’ll be sharing a cookie recipe from a food blog. I thought it would be fun to discover some new cookies and new food blogs. I know not all of my friends are on Facebook so each week I’ll recap the recipes I’ve shared with links to them.
Day 1 –
Let’s begin with Orange-Cranberry Shortbread cookies from Recipes From a Pantry. What part of the cookie name doesn’t sound delicious?
Day 2 –
Sugar Swirl Cookies from A Bride on a Budget. Doesn’t that sound like a fun cookie?
Day 3 –
Gingerbread Yule Log Cookies from Food Meanderings.Quite a mouthful but this cookie was featured in Taste of Home Magazine’s special Collectors Edition: The Ultimate Cookie Swap, so it’ a tasty mouthful.
Day 4 –
Christmas Sprinkle Cookies from The Olive Blogger. Who doesn’t love a sprinkle cookie?
Day 5 –
Candy Cane Kiss Cookies from Crayons and Cravings. This little cookie will make you smile.
Day 6 –
Holy Cannoli Cookies from the Snappy Gourmet. We’ve already established I love a cute name for a cookie and this one has me dying to bake these cookies.
Day 7 –
Chocolate Crinkle Cookies form Moore or Less Cooking.I love a good crinkle cookie and this one with a caramel filling has my full attention.
Ready to bake yet? I know I am. 🙂
Happy Baking!
Coffee & Chat #22
Happy December! While I’m not a big fan of “wow, didn’t (insert the month) fly by” because time does move forward at a steady clip, I will admit November seemed to be over in a blink of an eye and I’m not sure why. October seemed very long, maybe it was because we had unusually warm days and summer weather had stretched way into September (we usually have the warmth but not the high humidity here) that when October didn’t turn cool instantly it just felt like a 60 day month. Then November came and all of a sudden it was Thanksgiving. Maybe it’s also because of my schedule now. I don’t have the usual mile-markers I had when I worked outside of the home for someone else. You know, office chatter about menu planning, traveling and the vacation schedule.
Right now I’m in the middle of projects. Food Blogger #3 has been officially accepted by my editor (more on that in my upcoming newsletter), SILENCED IN SEQUINS (Resale Boutique book #2) is complete and ready to go off to my critique partner and I’m preparing for the release of MURDER WEARS A LITTLE BLACK DRESS. I couldn’t resist making the cover my screen saver. I absolutely love the cover.
I’m preparing for MURDER WEARS A LITTLE BLACK DRESS blog tour. There are interview questions for me to answer and I need to print out the schedule so I know where I’ll be each day, well, virtually. 🙂
During my last Coffee & Chat I shared how Billy was recovering from his self-inflicted wound behind his ear. He’d scratched too hard and broke open a pocket of fluid (not sure what it’s officially called). It was a mess and he needed to wear a collar and go on antibiotics. Well, he got all better. Yes!!! And it was just in time for Susie to go to the vet. Yep. She had a kidney infection. We’re on the second round of antibiotics for it and she’s doing better. Fingers-crossed we’ll go into the new year all healthy.
But before we start talking about 2019, we have a few more weeks left in 2018 and during the month of December my mind wanders to baking. Baking cookies specifically. I love, love, love baking cookies but this year I am strapped for time. Even though Food Blogger #3 has been officially accepted by my publisher, I still need to finalize the recipes in the book by the beginning of January so that baking takes priority over everything else. And besides the work-related baking, I have writing to do so I’m going to be short on time this year. I’m sure I’ll get a few cookies baked, but it won’t be like other years. While I’m bummed about it, there’s not much I can do about it.
While I won’t be baking as much doesn’t mean I won’t be obsessing about Christmas cookies. And to take my obsession to a whole new level, I’ll be sharing cookie recipes from various food bloggers on my Facebook author page. If you’re not on Facebook, no worries. I’ll be doing a round-up post right here each week leading up to the last day of the 24 Days of Christmas Cookies, December 24th.
I think I’m going to wrap this up because now I want a cookie (or two) and I need to get back to writing. Thanks so much for visiting today and please drop in a comment. Let me know if you love to bake cookies this time of the year or if you leave the baking to someone else in your family.
P.S. If you haven’t subscribed to my newsletter please consider doing so. In the December newsletter I’ll be sharing the good news about Food Blogger #3 and it’s title!