New Book Releases, Writing

Kelly’s Fashion Rule #3

Out-of-work fashionista Kelly Quinn lives by a few simple fashion rules and they’re coming in handy as she revamps the consignment shop she inherited from her grandmother.

Kelly’s fashion rule #3:

Price doesn’t matter

The price of fashion doesn’t matter, what matters is how you combine high and low pieces.

Below is a snippet from MURDER WEARS A LITTLE BLACK DRESS.

Are you a bargain shopper? If so, what’s the best score you ever made while shopping?

Coffee & Chat

Coffee & Chat

Happy New Year!!!

It appears Billy partied a bit too much ringing in the new year. Not! He was sound asleep long before the ball dropped.

He has no idea the holidays are behind us and a whole new year is ahead of us. While he may not know, I do and I’m uber-excited about 2019. I’m sure you’ve already heard – I’ll have three books published this year, one of them is the debut in a new series. I’ve mentioned it before, MURDER WEARS A LITTLE BLACK DRESS. And I’m looking forward to writing more books this year and I’m seriously thinking about writing a book that isn’t a part of the two series I’m currently writing. I haven’t made a decision yet.

While I’ve been quiet here, I’ve been busy behind the scenes writing, preparing for a blog tour and getting my planner ready for 2019. Does anyone else heart their planner? Though, I’m not completely happy with the cover I chose. I’m thinking about purchasing a new one. Not sure what I’m going to do. Decisions. Decisions.

My 4,000 word days (yeah, they happened) –

Last Saturday I set a goal to hit 15,000 words in my new WIP by the end of the day and in order to do that I needed to write 4,000 words. One thousand more than my orginially scheduled 3,000 words. Could I do it? Ah, yeah. Nailed it! No way would that have been possible without my trusty detailed outline. I love that thing. My plan was to continue with 3,000 words per day following that first 4,000 word day. Well, you know what they say about making plans. Yeah, life happened and on Monday and Tuesday things got turned upside. I had a feeling Monday was going to be like that so I only set a goal for 2,000 words and I met it. I figured Tuesday would be okay so I planned for 3,000 words but I was short a 1,000 words by the end of the day. (Deep sigh) I decided as I closed down my computer Tuesday night I’d write 4,000 words on Wednesday.

Thanks to eight 500-word writing sprints I met my goal and now my word count is just over 31,000 words. That’s a nice little chunk of manuscript. Definitely not too shabby for thirteen writing days since Christmas Eve. And now I’m starting to get into the story and this is when I start to really enjoy writing the story.

Upcoming promotion (yeah, it’s happening) –

I’m not gonna be shy, I’m letting you all know I’m in serious promotion mode for MURDER WEARS A LITTLE BLACK DRESS. I spent December answering interview questions for blog posts. I’ll be starting a blog tour later this month for the book’s release. Because I knew I’d be writing a new first draft this month, I made sure to wrap up all the pre-work for the blog tour and once MURDER WEARS A LITTLE BLACK DRESS is released, I’ll start preparing for the release of THE HIDDEN CORPSE and be turning in Resale Boutique #2 to my editor. Yeah, lots to juggle. 🙂

When the schedule is live on the tour operator’s website I’ll share it.

I’m going to wrap up this chat with a link to the kitchen of our future. Hmm…I wonder what Hope would think of this forecast of how we’ll be using our kitchens. I’m on the fence. There are some things I like about it, other things seem a little too George Jetson for me. LOL Though, I admit, I might want one of those voice activated faucets, especially after I’ve worked my Irish Soda bread dough. Check out the article here.

Okay, before I sign off and since we’re on the subject of kitchens, I have to share with you that my most favorite purchase to date has been my air fryer. Love. That. Thing. It makes the best fries and breaded chicken cutlet – out of this world. Crispy and tender. Perfection.

Thanks so much for stopping by today! If you feel inclined, please leave a comment. Maybe tell me what you think of the kitchens of our future. Or, what your favorite kitchen appliance is.




New Book Releases, Writing

Kelly’s Fashion Rule #2

Out-of-work fashionista Kelly Quinn lives by a few simple fashion rules and they’re coming in handy as she revamps the consignment shop she inherited from her grandmother.

Kelly’s fashion rule #2:

Don’t be a follower of trends

Kelly believes a confident woman doesn’t dress according to the latest trends. Rather, she remains true to her own sense of style. She also knows timeless pieces will carry on from season to season.

Below is a snippet from MURDER WEARS A LITTLE BLACK DRESS.

What’s your go-to item in your closet?

Life, Writing

There are no limits


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“If you look up, there are no limits.” (Japanese proverb) This month I’ll celebrate a birthday and let me tell you the fifth decade rocks! I’m blessed to have an amazing husband, a supportive family and a new ally by my side in my publishing journey. This year I’ll have three book releases, talk about surreal. Getting here wasn’t easy. It was filled with frustration, bleeding pages and rejection (ha! not much has changed other than the publishing part). I’m so thankful I did rl give up. And if you have a dream I hope you won’t give up either. This is going to be our year m. You and me. Go for your dreams because there are no limits, especially age limits. #writerslife #cozymystery #authorsofinstagram #authors18 #goalsetter #behindthestories #challengetochange #believeinyourself #livingthrmedream #writinc

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Kelly’s Fashion Rule #1

Out-of-work fashionista Kelly Quinn lives by a few simple fashion rules and they’re coming in handy as she revamps the consignment shop she inherited from her grandmother.

Kelly’s fashion rule #1:

Recognize the power of accessories

Never underestimate the power of a scarf or any other accessory. Kelly believes well-chosen accessories can pop any outfit, add a bit of polish or even save even the most haphazard last-minute outfit.

Below is a snippet from MURDER WEARS A LITTLE BLACK DRESS.

What’s your favorite accessory?