The first week of November has wrapped up and it definitely was memorable. I chose to focus on the fact that I had the whole week off from writing and that for a string of days we had glorious, spring like weather. I’ve always looked for the good, the bright side of things and in 2020 that has become even more important to do, so when this week happened, I was easily able to regroup and find the bright spots in the week. Here are some of them.
The monthly message in my planner is a great reminder. I am thankful. I am grateful. And I am hopeful. There is a lot that I can’t control but I can control how I react to those situations.

On November 2nd, I turned in my manuscript to my editor. The fifth Food Blogger book is officially on its way to being published. I don’t yet have a publication date but I did get a sneak peek at its cover and it’s beautiful. I can’t wait to share it with you. To celebrate turning in my manuscript, I’ve taken this week off from writing. The first few days felt weird because I wasn’t writing or editing. But by day three, I was embracing the break from the page. And as I write this post, I’m looking forward to Monday and getting back to BEAUTY AND THE DECEASED, the fourth book in the Resale Boutique Mystery series.

Of course, I have to share this photo of Connie from Halloween. She’s such a cute pumpkin! She was out to greet the neighborhood kids as they came to trick or treat. The day before there was snow (not much, but still…it was snow) and luckily for Halloween the weather turned around and it was a brisk but beautiful day. Perfect for the little goblins.

Like me, Connie also enjoyed a leisurely week. She had her day of beauty aka grooming appointment. She came home with flowers in her hair and a new haircut. She also came home tired and hungry.

Connie’s week wrapped up with a play date with her BFF, Maura. It was a beautiful day with temps in the 70s, so the play date was extended to two hours. Connie took a little break but Maura had a different idea. Getting the photo of Maura in action was pure luck.

Even though I wasn’t writing this week, I did have work to do and on my list was to begin recipe testing for Food Blogger #5. I typically make each recipe that will be included in the book one more time before I send them off to my editor after I complete the line edits in early December. This baking session was for chocolate chip scones. OMG. So good. They’re one of my favorite scone recipes. The other that is a staple in my recipe repertoire is the recipe for White Chocolate Scones.

And wrapping up the week, I spent most of yesterday outdoors tidying up before winter finally does arrive. The weather was gorgeous and Connie was with me, though she spent most of her time on the chaise lounge while I worked. Seems about right, doesn’t it? LOL. I didn’t snap any photos but it was mostly a cleanup of leaves on the patio and clearing out of the planters. Not very exciting like baking scones.
I hope you’re having a wonderful Sunday and that this coming week is a great one for you!