Friday Faves

Friday Faves 9/27/24

Happy Friday! Happy last week in September! Say what??? How did that happen? Wasn’t it just Labor Day? It certainly feels like it was but today is September 27th. There’s just three more days until we welcome in October and I couldn’t be happier! I’m in full-on pumpkin spice mode and my sweaters are just waiting to be worn.

So, while I wait for the temps to drop (I’m very impatient) I’ll share with you my faves from this week. There’s a podcast, an Instagram account that always makes me smile, my new go-to workout series, an inspiring YouTube channel and my current read. I’ve also added in a series on Apple TV I’ve binged watched. Ready? Let’s get started.

Podcast: Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Show. I discovered Dr. Lyon a couple years ago and I’m so thankful that I did. She’s a wealth of information on healthy aging. I listened to her show on Boosting Cognitive Function through Fitness earlier this week.

Instagram:  MillyPinkNose. I love seeing photos and videos of this English Angora rabbit in my feed. He’s adorable!

Workout: Tracy Steen of Move Daily Fitness. I’ve done about four of her workouts and I have enjoyed them so I think I’ll continue through October.

YouTube: Nikol Johnson. I’m so happy that she brought back her Fiercely Aging series where she does makeup on women over 50, sharing tips and techniques with viewers. She’s launched a makeup line and I have been doing a little shopping on her website. And I love everything I’ve purchased so far.

Current Read: Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse. It’s my nighttime read and I’m enjoying it so much.

TV series: Truth be Told. This series is based on the book ARE YOU SLEEPING by Kathleen Barber. I was so disappointed when I found out that there wasn’t a season four.

Do you have a fave this week you’d like to share? Leave a comment below.