Friday Faves

Friday Faves 10/1/21

Happy Friday and happy October! It’s been a whirlwind of a week juggling the release of THE CORPSE IN THE GAZEBO while writing another book, managing life stuff and finding the right balance of playtime with Connie – it’s getting cooler here and she’s full of energy. In many ways I’m so happy it’s Friday while I feel release week slipping away. It’s hard to describe what release week feels like…maybe I can. Imagine Christmas day, the first day of a new job and celebrating a milestone birthday all rolled into one so all those accompanying emotions ebb and flow with bursts of emotional waves hitting with bouts of exhaustion. Yeah, good times. And I wouldn’t change a thing. In fact, I’m looking forward to the release of BEAUTY AND THE DECEASED in December.

My faves this week include a podcast, a Instagram account that always makes me smile, the workout of the week, a favorite YouTube channel and my current read. Ready? Let’s get started.

My faves this week include a podcast, a Instagram account that always makes me smile, the workout of the week, a favorite YouTube channel and my current read. Ready? Let’s get started.

Podcast: Resting Witch Face. It’s October, so I’m all about spooky, hocus, pocus. This is a new podcast to me and I listened to their Salem Witch Trials episode.

Instagram: Heresyourmonkeycontent. In January while scrolling Instagram I stumbled upon a funny monkey video. Well, that led me down a rabbit hole. There are a lot of funny monkeys out there! Anyway, I discovered a few accounts that I now followed. One of them featured George, a nine year old Capuchin monkey, and I hooked. Sadly, he passed away. Time passed and his family brought home a baby Capuchin named Nash. So. Stinking. Cute. And, the story of their rescue Pit Bull, Journey, is heartbreaking and heartwarming.

Workout: Get Healthy U’s Core Connection. Thirty minutes and I got some cardio with core work. Not too shabby.

You Tube: Hot & Flashy. I discovered this channel a few years ago and it’s one of my regulars. Because I’ve been so busy since the beginning of September, I missed a few of her videos. I had time this week to catch up with Angie while sipping a cup of tea.

My current read: Hide In Place by Emilya Naymark. This is the first book of the author’s I’m reading and I’m about seventy pages in and I’m hooked.

Do you have a fave this week you’d like to share? Leave a comment below.

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